

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has watched, "liked," shared and/or re-watched the video over on Toonocracy's YouTube Channel

We wish we could give you all 100 Poochie tokens based on how awesome this first day has been.  Instead we will settle for a big, Skratchy hug:

Come on... Bring it in.  One of those puppety hands might graze half a butt cheek, but it's nothing to be afraid of - he's a dog puppet, and he loves you.

The video has been live on the internets for just under 24 hours and we have just hit 3,376 views and 153 "Likes/Thumbs-Up."
If you are one (or more) of those views, or one of those Likes we thank you from the bottom of our hearts - low enough to be the top of our stomachs, really.

Now, if you dig what you are seeing here, please continue to talk about this short, share it with friends, loved ones, people on public transportation - they might think you are creepy but you can walk away knowing that you will likely never see them again, but you DID do something to make their life better by showing them this videoThis one, right here.

If you are in the mood to share more you can paste this link in any of those wonderful sharing arenas on the internets - facebook, twitter, tumblr, pinterest (girls and some "guys"), myspace for those of you who keep it old school.

Let's keep this train rolling!!

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