
Gubby & Sam's debut!

The time has come, dear internet! In just 5 short days our newest Sketch & Sniff Cartoons short, "Goofy Galaxy: Orbiting Gubby", will be LIVE ON YOUTUBE! You can catch the very first (of 5) episode of Gubby and Sam this coming Monday, August 11th!! As with our last short, "Skratchy McPoochberry's PizzaTime FunHouse", this mini series will debut on Toonocracy's awesome home for internet cartoons! We highly recommend you subscribe to their YouTube channel (especially if you like the edgier, adult funny) so that you're automatically notified whenever we have a new short posted! That way, you don't even have to check back often!

Now if that weren't enough, we have something mega special to share with you! Because of a lot of your excitement and enthusiasm expressed places like Facebook and Twitter, we've decided to give a top secret link to a few lucky friends of Sketch & Sniff Cartoons and Toonocracy to get a sneak preview at this new animated short!! Wondering how? It's so simple! All you have to do is demonstrate your support by sharing, re-blogging, retweeting, etc. the link to this blog post!! Basically, help us spread the word! Here's the deal:

The first 10 people to share the news about the premiere of "Goofy Galaxy" on any one of these social platforms will receive the link to watch the ENTIRE first episode TOMORROW!
     ~ first 10 people to share FROM Toonocracy's Facebook Fan page!
     ~ first 10 people to RT from Toonocracy's Twitter feed! (@Toonocracy)
     ~ first 10 people to RT from Sketch & Sniff Cartoons' Twitter feed! (@Sketch_N_Sniff)
     ~ first 10 people to follow THIS blog!
     ~ first 10 people to share on Google+! (be sure to tag us so we know!) 
     ~ first 10 people to reblog from Tumblr!

That's it, friends! You literally have 60 chances to get your very own link to the video and be the first kid on your block to see this hilarious new duo! Choose carefully which of these methods works best for you, and we will PERSONALLY email you the link tonight (so that all winners are verified) to check it out!

Thanks for playing! Good luck!